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Rustic Wire Candle Holders

I was looking for easy to do crafts when I saw this project from Better Homes and Gardens. I find it interesting to do but the image that was posted in the website doesn't look so attractive (actually, it is shown below). I posted the project thinking that someone may want to try it and send me pictures of his/her finished craft. I'll be very glad to post those pictures if the sender allowed me. I'll also try doing this when I have enough free time and I'll show you a better craft of it.

What You'll Need

* Drill
* Bits
* 18-gauge wire
* 3-inch-thick pieces of wood or logs
* Strong adhesive (such as E6000)
* Wire cutters
* Dripless taper candles

Make It

1. Using a drill bit to fit the wire, drill an off-center hole in each wood piece.
2. Cut an 18-inch-long piece of wire for each candle. Glue one end of the wire into the hole. Let the glue dry.
3. Wrap the wire around candle. Shape the wire end into a curlicue.

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